Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions.

1. The user agrees to not use the internet for any illegal purposes.
2. The user agrees to adhere to the Copyright (Infringing File Sharing) Amendment Act 2011.
3. You will be responsible for protecting your computer against any virus, unauthorized access or spam. We recommend that you install appropriate firewalls, spam filters and anti-virus software.
4. For UniLodge and Parkside Hotel & Apartments, a CyberCom Router is provided. This is property of CyberCom and needs to be returned back to us after your service termination.
5. It is your responsibility to contact the building management if there is any faulty port in your apartment.
6. You cannot access/modify the configuration to the CyberCom Router.
7. CyberCom reserves the right to slow the user down if use is excessive or impacting on other customers.
8. Once sign up is completed, we will contact you within 24 hours. Most connections can be completed within 24 hours.
9. For service cancellation, please advise us via email or phone, 30 days in advance.
10. For any billing or technical enquiries, you can call us on 08000 121 131 or email nzsupport@cybercomglobal.com